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    Accessibility Plan 2023-2026

    FNBC is committed to inclusivity, and we understand that to be inclusive we must be accessible.

    The Accessible Canada Act and the Accessible Canada Regulations require that federally regulated entities prepare and publish an accessibility pan.

    You may download our plan Here

    You may download our current progress report Here

    FNBC welcomes feedback about this Accessibility Plan. We are committed to reviewing and responding to the feedback that we receive and taking steps to address barriers identified through this feedback.

    You can submit feedback about accessibility at FNBC or this plan by contacting:
    • FNBC Human Resources
    • E-mail address:
    • Telephone number: (306) 955-6739
    • Mailing address: 300 - 224 4th Ave South - Saskatoon, SK, S7K 5M5
    You can also contact us to request an alternate version of our accessibility plan.

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