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Problems or Concerns

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Problem Resolution Process

At First Nations Bank of Canada1, our goal is to provide a comfortable service experience for each and every customer. We appreciate your business and are dedicated to building long and satisfying relationships with our customers. When you have concerns about your banking relationships with us, we encourage you to let us know because your satisfaction is our primary concern. The customer problem resolution process is our way of ensuring that your problems or concerns are addressed in a consistent and comfortable way.

The following steps ensure that your problem or concern will be attended to in a timely manner.

Contact us in person, by telephone, mail or email
Tell us about your problem or concern in the way that is most convenient for you. You may contact a Customer Service Representative at your local branch, or call us at 1-888-819-6366 and select Option 3. If you prefer to tell us about your problem or concern in writing, you have the following options:

  • Mail: Customer Feedback
            First Nations Bank of Canada
            224 4th Avenue South, 3rd Floor
            Saskatoon, SK, S7K 5M5
  • Fax: 306-931-2409
  • Email2:

You will receive a written response from us when a problem or concern is communicated to us through any of the above-mentioned methods.  This written response acknowledges receipt of the complaint.

Please include your full name, address and telephone number on your email. Our representatives will work hard to resolve your problem to your satisfaction in Step 1. If you are not satisfied with the resolution provided, you have the option to request a Manager to become involved to attempt resolution of your problem or concern to your satisfaction.

Elevation to a Designated Complaints Officer
If you are not satisfied with the solution you receive from a representative or their Manager in Step 1, then the Manager will offer to elevate your problem or concern – communicating all relevant details on your behalf – to a Designated Complaints Officer of the Bank. Alternatively, if you prefer to elevate the problem yourself, the Manager in Step 1 will be pleased to provide you with the contact information of the Designated Complaints Officer.

Contact the First Nations Bank of Canada Chief Complaints Officer
If your problem or concern remains unresolved after Steps 1 and 2 have been followed, you may contact the First Nations Bank Chief Complaints Officer. The First Nations Bank Chief Complaints Officer is dedicated to resolving disputes fairly and professionally. If it is determined that your concern has not been addressed by the Designated Complaints Officer as outlined in Step 2, the First Nations Bank Chief Complaints Officer may direct your problem to the appropriate business area for investigation and response. Within six days of receiving your inquiry, the Chief Complaints Officer will write or call to advise you if and where your problem has been redirected, whether it has been resolved, or in more complex cases, what further steps are being taken and when you can expect a resolution. You may contact the First Nations Bank Chief Complaints Officer through one of the following options:

  • Mail: Chief Complaints Officer
            First Nations Bank of Canada
            224 4th Avenue South, 3rd Floor
            Saskatoon, SK, S7K 5M5
  • Fax: 306-931-2409
  • Email2: 
  • Telephone: Toll free at 1-888-819-6366 Option 4

Contact the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI)
If your concern still remains unresolved after steps 1 through 3, you may then contact an external complaints body, the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments through one of the following:

  • Mail: The Ombudsman for Banking Services
            and Investments
            20 Queen Street West, Suite 2400
            PO Box 8
            Toronto, ON, M5H 3R3
  • Toll-Free Fax: 1-888-422-2865
  • Email2:
  • Toll-Free Phone: 1-888-451-4519

Please visit for more information about OBSI.

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) supervises federally regulated financial institutions to ensure compliance with federal consumer protection laws.  The FCAC also helps educate consumers, and monitors industry codes of conduct and public commitments designed to protect the interests of consumers.

At First Nations Bank of Canada, we comply with all consumer protection laws that help ensure that your problem or concern is addressed.  For example, we will provide you with information about our complaint handling procedures; provide you with proper notice about our branch closures that affect you; and when you open an account, we will provide you with information about interest rates and fees.

It is the position of the FCAC that you must try to resolve your problem or concern directly with us before you contact the OBSI or the FCAC.  The FCAC does not resolve concerns.

If you have a problem or concern regarding a potential violation of a consumer protection law you can contact the FCAC at one of the following:

For more information about the FCAC, please visit

1. First Nations Bank of Canada means First Nations Bank of Canada, its affiliates and third parties that provide deposit, investment, loan, securities, trust, insurance and other products and services.
2. Email disclaimer: For your protection, do not send confidential or personal information (e.g. Access Card number, account number, etc.) via email, as it is NOT a secure method of communication. If your request is urgent or requires disclosure of confidential or personal information for resolution, please call us.

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