Personal Loans
When you need a personal loan you have good reasons. Maybe you are thinking about renovating a bathroom, purchasing a new car, or going on a well-deserved vacation? At First Nations Bank we can help tailor a loan to your budget with competitive rates, flexible payment arrangements and fast processing of your application.
Auto Loan
If it’s time for your first car, a second vehicle or your next one, an auto loan from First Nations Bank can help.
Consolidation Loan
A consolidation loan is designed to replace multiple loans with a single, easy to manage loan, often at a lower interest rate than that charged by individual creditors. For instance, personal loans, lines of credit, student loans and credit card balances are examples of loans that could be consolidated.
Home Reno Loan
Your home is not only your biggest asset, it can also be a great source of satisfaction, comfort and pride. When you’re ready to make improvements to your home, we’re ready to help.
A home reno loan is ideal for those projects which require the funds upfront. It also offers additional money to those whose lines of credit may not have enough available credit to see a project through. By providing a fixed sum, a home reno loan can help maintain a ceiling on spending. The loan also provides you with a set repayment schedule to help with monthly budgeting.
A home reno loan is ideal for those projects which require the funds upfront. It also offers additional money to those whose lines of credit may not have enough available credit to see a project through. By providing a fixed sum, a home reno loan can help maintain a ceiling on spending. The loan also provides you with a set repayment schedule to help with monthly budgeting.