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Online Banking

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Enjoy the convenience of managing your accounts safely and securely, 24/7.

With just your computer and an internet connection, you can access your accounts anytime, anywhere.
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Online bill pay & automation

Pay bills online, set up recurring payments, and manage multiple bills with a single click.
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Easy transfers with Interac® e-Transfer

Move money effortlessly between your accounts, to others, or across financial institutions.
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Track account activity

View your accounts, scheduled payments, and automatic transfers in one place. 


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Download statements to personal finance software

Easily download statements for use in a variety of personal finance applications. 


Try online banking today

Here's what to do to get started:

1. Call or visit your branch to get setup.

2. Go to FNBC Online Banking, enter your Access Card number, set up your security questions and answers, enter your password and be instantly connected to your accounts.

2-Step Verification & Self-Serve Password Reset

2-Step Verification is a more secure way to login to Online Banking, protecting your account from unauthorized access. This is an additional and highly effective security measure we have added to the login process to Online and Mobile Banking as well as Online Banking for Small Business. 2-Step Verification involves entering an auto-generated verification code, that you receive separately through text or email, in addition to your debit card number and password. All customers who bank online are required to enroll in 2-Step Verification. 

Click here to view 2-Step Verification Enrollment Guide

Self-Serve Password Reset is an Online Banking feature that allows you to reset your Online Banking Password whenever you need to. To use the feature, you will need to validate with your Date of Birth and you must be already enrolled in 2-Step Verification.

Click here to view Self-Serve Password Reset Guide

Still have questions? We can help!

Why is 2-Step Verification required?

We are committed to providing you with a safe and protected online banking experience. 2-Step Verification is a great way to reduce fraud risks and further secure your online banking.

As cyber-threats become more sophisticated, we need to ensure that our customers are protected by industry standard authentication measures, providing peace-of-mind knowing you are better protected.

How to Enroll in 2-Step Authentication

The process is quite straightforward — just follow the prompts.  Click here to view the enrollment guide

Is the Login to Online Banking different?

To access Online Banking, please use the Online Banking Login button via our homepage and you will experience an additional prompt for a verification code when Logging in.  After that your Online Banking experience is what you are used to.  You will also experience this additional prompt in the Mobile App as well.

Don’t forget that your verification code is only valid for 10 minutes once generated. Each new code would also replace any previous codes sent to you, so remember to only use the most current one.

Does 2-Step Verification replace the use of challenge questions and answers for login?

Yes it does. Because generated verification codes only last a brief time, they are more secure than challenge questions and answers that are in use today.

Can I register for 2-Step Verification via both text and email?

Yes! When you first enroll, you can enter only one choice (text or email) to receive notifications. However, you can update your contact information using the Profiles and Preferences screen to add another notification method. You will still need to select either text or email as your preferred method of notification, and you can only register one email and one phone number.

I didn't receive my verification code, what do I do?

If you didn't receive a verification code, select the "Send a new verification code" link on the Enter Your Verification Code screen to have a new code sent.  If you have registered for 2-Step Verification using an email address, make sure to check your spam/junk folder.

What if I lose my phone or cannot access my email?

If you are unable to access your mobile phone or email associated with your two-Step Verification login, please Contact Us to reset your two-Step Verification. You will be prompted to re-enroll when logging into Online Banking.

What should I keep in mind if I travel out of the country?

If you are planning a trip outside of Canada, remember to check whether you have selected text notification or email as your 2-Step Verification notification method. If you have selected text notification but will not have your usual mobile device with you on your trip, you can update your contact information to receive these kinds of notifications by email.

Why is the "Forgot Password" function not working?

There could be a few reasons including:

  1. You are not registered for 2-Step Verification
    You must already be enrolled in 2-Step Verification to use the ‘Forgot Password’ tool.
  1. You have exceeded your verification attempts
    If you are registered for 2-Step Verification, but you have entered a Date of Birth incorrectly more than three times, you will be unable to use the Forgot Password feature for 24 hours.
  1. You are an organization, business, or small business online banking user
    If so, the Forgot Password feature is not available to you at this time.
  1. New password does not meet password requirements
    Online Banking requires a strong password to be set.

Is Self-Serve Reset Password available on the mobile app?

This feature is available utilizing our mobile apps.

Is Self-Serve Reset Password available for Businesses?

This feature is not available to businesses.

If you have forgotten your password, and are unable to use the Forgot Password feature, Contact Us and we will assist you with resetting your password.


CRA Direct Deposit

You can now setup CRA Direct Deposit through FNBC online banking.

The fast and secure way to receive money from the CRA

Setting up CRA Direct Deposit has never been easier — simply register directly through FNBC online banking.

Enroll once and receive CRA payments directly to your bank account

If you’ve already registered for CRA Direct Deposit, you don’t need to enroll again. If you haven’t enrolled yet, you only need to set it up once to receive CRA payments, such as:

  • Income tax refunds
  • GST/HST credit, and any similar provincial and territorial
  • Canada child benefit payments, and any similar provincial and territorial

For a complete list of applicable payments, please visit the CRA website

What you’ll need to register

You can register for CRA Direct Deposit as long as you have already filed at least one tax return in the past with the CRA.

To get started, you’ll need:
  • An FNBC personal chequing account or savings account
Click  Here for instructions on setting up CRA direct deposit through FNBC online banking.
Click  Here for Frequently Asked Questions about setting up CRA direct deposit through FNBC online banking.


Take control of your security needs with Lock'N'Block®.

Lost or Stolen Debit Card

If your debit card is lost or stolen,you can immediately prevent any unauthorized transactions by using Lock’N’Block. Once you’ve locked your card and blocked any transactions, you will still need to report your card as lost or stolen by calling our toll free number: 1-888-454-3622

The new Lock'N'Block® tool allows you to "lock" your Access card to "block" unauthorized or unwanted use through your mobile app or online banking.

  • Lock your debit card
  • Block ATM transactions
  • Block purchases and refunds
  • Block all international transactions

...24/7 all through online banking or your mobile app!

To access Lock'N'Block® through online banking

  • Log in to online banking
  • Click Account Services > Lock'N'Block®

To access Lock'N'Block® through your mobile app

  • Log in to your mobile app
  • Tap the Lock'N'Block® icon

Benefits for you

  • It’s quick, easy, and convenient.
  • Protects you from occurrences of fraud.
  • Empowers you to control access to your debit cards anytime, anywhere.
  • Provides peace of mind when your debit card is missing

If you should have any questions about Lock'N'Block®, we'd love to help:

  • Email us
  • Call us at 1-888-454-3622 or
  • Stop by any of our branch locations

Click here for FAQ on Lock'N'Block®

Lock'N'Block® is a registered trademark of Everlink Payment Services Inc.


Online Banking Alerts

Use Alert notifications to assist you in avoiding unexpected fees or interest charges when your personal deposit account balance1 or available credit1 drops below $100, or an amount you specify, and to identify unusual activity to more rapidly prevent and detect fraud activities from occurring with your account.

Sending You Automated Account Activity Alerts

Alerts allow you to receive email and/or text message notifications when certain account activities occur. While balance and account information can be viewed in the Alerts message, no personal information, account numbers or any data that could be used to identify accounts or customers is sent, which provides a high level of protection.

  • Security Alerts provide an additional layer of protection by notifying you of unusual transactions allowing you to detect possible fraud quickly and take appropriate action.
  • Balance Alerts can help you better manage your finances and budget by knowing when your accounts balance or available credit falls below a certain $ amount.

Note: There is no fee to sign up for Alerts and no fee to receive them.  However, your mobile phone service provider may charge you for receiving text messages and for data usage.

How do I sign up for Alerts?

  1. Log into Online Banking

  2. Click on Messages and Alerts

  3. Click on Manage Alerts Contacts and Mobile Nicknames2 (shortcut)

  4. Click on Add Email and/or Add Mobile Phone

  5. Select the Alerts you want sent to you. Click Alerts under Manage Alerts page. Select the Alert type (low balance alert, payee added, Password Change, etc.), and where you would like Alerts sent (email/text).

Alerts – Things to Know

  • Online Banking Alerts are available to all customers who have access to Online Banking.

  • To receive Alerts, customers must have either a valid email address or cell phone capable of receiving SMS text messages.

  • Alerts can only be set up or modified via Full Website or Desktop (Not the mobile app or mobile website).

    • If you only have access to a mobile device only, go to the website.  Select “full site” from the menu presented.  Follow the instructions above in the “How do I sign up for Alerts?” section, to set up or modify Alerts.

1. Your current balance is the amount of cash presently sitting in a checking or savings account at any given time. Your available balance is the current balance minus any pending transactions that haven't been fully processed yet or any holds that may be on your account.
2. Do not include any personally identifiable information (PII) data in the nickname.

Password Requirements

To help protect your financial information while banking online, First Nations Bank of Canada has made changes to the password requirements for online banking.

When you first log into online banking you will be prompted to change your current PAC (password) to your new extended PAC (strong password).  To change your PAC (password), enter your current PAC (password); then enter your new password and verify it by entering it again.

When you set your new PAC (password), you must comply with the following parameters:

  • Minimum of 9 characters
  • Maximum of 30 characters
  • Must contain 1 upper case character
  • Must contain 1 lower case character
  • Must contain 1 numeric character
Some special characters may be used, but are optional. Supported special characters include:

Special Characters Allowed



Exclamation Mark


At Sign


Number Sign


Dollar Sign


Left Round Bracket or Left Parentheses


Right Round Bracket or Right Parentheses




Question Mark



Note: You cannot re-use a password you've used recently

The extended PAC (strong password) will impact all devices currently used to access online banking (desktop/laptop computer, mobile platform and FNBC mobile app). Extended PAC (strong password) will not impact telephone banking, which will retain your existing password.

If you have any questions or require assistance setting up your extended PAC strong password once the change is implemented, please contact 1-888-454-3622 or visit your local branch.

For your protection, please ensure that your new password is unique to FNBC Online Banking. Do not use the same password to access other websites. Do not write down your password or share it, even with a friend or loved one.



e-Statements are an electronic version of your statement, available on Online Banking for access at anytime from anywhere.

In some cases, paper statements may have a $2 monthly fee and with electronic versions of your statements available, there is no reason to get printed statements anymore. Electronic statements mean less paper, less water and less energy is used to get you the information you need with the added benefit of a safe and secure method of storing your statements.

If you are an online banking user, then you may already have access to e-Statements. Not an Online Banking user, or currently don't have access?

Call or visit your branch to get set up.


Still have questions? We can help!

Explore our Online Banking FAQ for detailed answers to common questions and helpful tips. 

If you enter your password incorrectly, you will receive a warning. If you enter your password incorrectly three times, you will be locked out of Online Banking.

Our added security features are meant to better protect the privacy and security of your personal information by helping to prevent phishing scams.

When you log in to FNBC Online Banking, you'll be asked to set up our new added security features before proceeding with your login. Don't worry, this will only take a few minutes. We promise. Learn more about the Added Security Features.

The log out button is located on the right hand side of the screen in a green box. You will see the words Online Banking Logout. Click on this link to logout of Online banking. 

It does not cost anything to use FNBC Online Banking, however your regular service charges still apply according to your account type and balance. If you are a Business Online Banking customer the monthly fee for this service is $15.00. 

Yes. With the Scheduled Recurring Bill Payments feature, you can set up the same amount to go to a bill vendor at whatever frequency you choose. Just click on the Recurring Bill Payments tab on the Pay Bills screen to set one up.

If you don't have enough money in your account your payment won't go through. So make sure you have enough money in your account to cover your payments at least one day before your scheduled or recurring payments are set to come out.

Log in to online banking. Go to the Payments option on the left side of the screen. Once the Pay Bills screen appears, select Scheduled. Find the payment you would like to cancel and click the delete link.

To stop a scheduled or recurring payment, go to the Payments screen and click Scheduled Payments on the left side of the screen. Then, find the payment you'd wish to cancel and click Delete. You can stop a scheduled or recurring payment up to a day before the payment is due to come out.

Yes. You'll have to cancel the payment and then set up a new recurring payment to start once you want to begin your payments again.

In FNBC Online Banking you can add an unlimited number of bill vendors.

Some bill payments made through Online Banking may take 2-3 business days to process. It depends on the time of the transaction and the bill vendor's internal accounting processes. We advise customers to make their electronic payments a couple of days ahead of the payment due date to be safe.

Go to Payments > Add/Delete Payee on the left menu in FNBC Online Banking. Select the checkbox next to the payee's name, then click the Delete Payee button. On the next page, click the Trash icon, and then click Confirm.

Log into Online Banking. Under Accounts, select the direct deposit form. Fill this form in, and provide it to the respective company.

You are able to download your statement to QuickBooks, Simply Accounting, .CSV, PDF, or Comma Delimited Text. You can also use Quicken and MS Money, although you should know that we have recently had some system challenges with these programs, and there are restrictions on a few functions. please review these limitations carefully before using Quicken or MS Money.

Yes. You can transfer money between customers. All you require is the customer number of the person you are transferring the money. In addition the recipient must acknowledge via a bank provided form that they are willing to provide their customer number to you. Contact your local branch to get started. 

You can use Interac® e-Transfer service to transfer funds to another financial institution.

Not at this time. Currently FNBC Online Banking isn't able to convert money to U.S. or any other currency with the transfer money feature.

Yes, you can transfer money using an email address to anyone with an account at a Canadian financial institution. Learn more about the Interac® e-Transfer service.

No. At this time you cannot open accounts online, but you can apply online. 

No. To close an account you must contact us or visit your branch.

Not at this time. Please contact us to renew your term deposit into a new term, or roll it over for the same term.

No, business customers must visit their branch to reorder cheques.

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