FNBC Access Card Security
At First Nations Bank of Canada, we are committed to protecting you from fraudulent activities. From informing you on the latest scams and frauds to implementing security measures to lower exposure to your accounts, your account security is our top priority.
In recent years, the growth of debit card use has given way to a new kind of fraud. “Card skimming” is an activity in which criminals copy the data of a debit card to make counterfeit cards and by obtaining a customer’s PIN through hidden electronic devices, thus gaining access to the customer’s account through the counterfeit card.
To combat this type of criminal activity, First Nations Bank of Canada continues to review existing procedures and establish new security measures to lower the risk of card skimming.
More importantly, customers are responsible for protecting their PIN and following debit card safety tips in order to minimize the risk of card skimming. If you suspect that your account or PIN has been compromised, or if your Access Card is lost or stolen, please call 1-888-454-3622 (available 24 hours a day, within Canada or the Continental U.S.) or contact your branch directly during regular business hours.